
Model No: HO-SP-3480

spectrophotometer5.1Holmarc HO-SP-3480 is an entry level spectrophotometer suitable for education, research and industrial applications. Unlike other entry level spectrophotometers, it employs the classic Czerny – Turner monochromator design, normally available only with advanced models, which ensures low stray light. It uses 1200 lines/mm blazed holographic grating as the dispersion element providing high wavelength resolution. It also employs a sigma delta ADC of 16 bit resolution for photometric measurement, a resolution higher than most of the spectrophotometers available in this price range. A graphics LCD screen is used to plot an absorbance v/s wavelength graph. The data can then be analyzed for peaks and valleys.
Scanning Mode Features

► Wavelength range between 380 and 1100nm
► Selectable ScanWavelength Interval 1 to 50nm
► Live absorbance plot during scanning
► Plot browser to read absorbance values at each wavelength
► Analyzer to find out absorbance andwavelength of peaks and valleys


Range : 380 to 1100nm
Resolution : 1 nm
Accuracy : ± 1 nm
Spectral Bandwidth : 2 nm

Range : 0 to 100%
Resolution : 0.1 %
Accuracy : ± 1 %
Noise Levels : < 1 % Stability : 1% / Hr after warm-up Absorbance
Range : 0 to 2A
Resolution : 0.001A
Readout : 320 x 240 Pixel Graphics LCD

PC Interface : RS232 (Optional)

Light Source : Tungsten Halogen Lamp 20W

Range : 0 to 999
Selectable Resolution : 1, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001
Calibration with 1 or 2 known standards
Direct factor entry
10 method memory

Any range between 380 and 1100nm
Selectable Scan Wavelength Interval 1 to 50nm
Live absorbance plot during scanning
Plot browser to read absorbance values at each wavelength
Analyzer to find out absorbance and wavelength of peaks and valleys

Input Voltage : 230V 50Hz

Input Power : < 50W

Model No: HO-SP-1990X

uvspectrophotometer2The Model HO-SP-1990X from HOLMARC is a high performance UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer which combines research grade UV-VIS-NIR photometric performance with the ease operation. Designed for the measurement of liquid samples, scanning spectrometer with dual light beams and dual sample holders are capable of simultaneous measurements. This spectrometer uses a mirrored rotating chopper wheel to alternately direct the light beam through the sample and reference cells. During the wavelength scans, the spectrum of absorbance and transmittance are recorded as a function of wavelength. The detection electronics and software program can then manipulate the P and Po values.
This instrument ensures high sensitivity, reduced noise, and ultra-low stray light. Operations are controlled by the Spectra Photometric X software, a modular Windows-based software which makes it easy to perform powerful analysis and control optional accessories.
HOLMARC offer various standard and custom solutions for spectrophotometry. We manufacture custom spectrophotometer systems for different applications. We can rapidly develop a custom product solution based on the modular illumination and detection technologies readily available. We also work with production and design engineers of our clients from concept development to execution.

Single-beam Vs. Double-beam design

In single-beam absorption spectroscopy, obtaining a spectrum requires manually measuring the transmittance of the sample and solvent at each wavelength. The double-beam design greatly simplifies this process by measuring the transmittance of the sample and solvent simultaneously.

The problem with single-beam measurement is that, if there are any changes in the intensity of light from the lamp with time, the single beam instrument cannot account for that, whereas the double-beam instrument does. It splits the beam after the wavelength selector so that it can alternately pass through the sample or the detector. The result is that the instrument can keep track of source light intensity, thereby enabling it to correct for variations in source intensity.


Design : Double Beam Optical Design
Range : 190 to 900nm
Resolution : 0.1 nm
Accuracy : ± 0.2 nm
Spectral Bandwidth : 0.5 nm

Range : 0 to 100%
Resolution : 0.1 %
Accuracy : ± 1 %
Noise Levels : < 1 % Stability : 1% / Hr after warm-up Absorbance
Range : 0 to 2A
Resolution : 0.001A

PC Interface : RS232 / USB

Software : Spectra Photometric X Version 2.014

Light Source : Xenon Lamp

Range 0 to 999
Selectable Resolution 1, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001
Calibration with 1 or 2 known standards
Direct factor entry
10 method memory

Any range between 190 and 900nm
Selectable Scan Wavelength Interval 0.1 to 50nm
Live absorbance plot during scanning
Plot browser to read absorbance values at each wavelength
Analyzer to find out absorbance and wavelength of peaks and valleys

Input Voltage : 230V 50Hz

Custom Glass Cuvettes

We can manufacture quartz cells and cuvettes of custom specifications for spectrometer, spectrophotometer, colorimeter, and other instruments.

Cuvette holder

The cuvette holder unit is manufactured for various cuvette sizes and applications. Some cuvette holders are equipped with SMA fibre connectors and collimators.

For Custom Glass Cuvettes

Please Specify the
Optical path
Dimensions (mm)
Volume (ml)
Beam width (mm)