Automated Torque Tester

Technical specification:
- Using by touch screen display
- Measuring in opening and closing direction
- Measuring range 00.00 to 99.00
- 6 measuring cycles: Torque closing / Reach position /Release + break / Release + break + Over screw/Non –destructive test /Cork extraction test
- Units: /N.m /Inch.lbs
- Rotating angle & speed adjustable under certain cycle
- Accuracy + -0.5 % of full scale
- 30 product memorization
- 10 thresholds (limits) option
- 10 operators memorization
- Configuration by protected password (administrator)
- Memorization up to 999 measures (transferable)
- Dynamic display: statistics, hour, date
- Display: product name/ operator /batch N*/Line N*
- 1 RS232 output and 1 printer output (software $ printer)
- Language: English
- Delivered with calibration certificate COFRAC
- 110/230 V-50/60 Hz
Automated part
- Safety door
- Automatic zero before restarting cycle
- Settable height of column for all samples
- Easy- fast selector for cycles
- Settable speed for opening and closing operations
- Customized cycle
- Special pneumatic chunk available
- Special multi format system for both bottle and performs
- Dynamometric system
Mechanical specification:
- Stainless steel frame
- Choice of measuring chunks: Beverages/ Cosmetic/Pharmacy
- Dimension: 61x57x108 cm
- Weight: 94 Kg
Optional parts:
- Mini printer
- QUALITORQ Software
- Customized display & cycles
- Calibration pack
- Dynamometric system